
Hasanat S. Syed, Pakistan: “Lishu Model” as the World’s Asset

海外知己看吉林   来源:彩练新闻

2024-10-25 11:02:25


Hasanat Shah Syed, Pakistani, a professor with the Economics school, Jilin University. In recent years, China’s “Lishu Model” is widely known along the “Belt and Road”, and among international students from the “Belt and Road” countries with interest in Lishu county solution to black soil conservation. Hasanat told his students, that in China the black soil is known as “The Panda of All Tillable Soils”, and its preservation and employment is of fundamental importance to The country's food security and eco-balance.

The vast and productive land of black soil, like the Nature’s treasure vault, is a cornucopia of nourishing crops and fruits. The unmatched quality and its savory taste are the creations that black soil’s generosity. Fertile black soils nurse each seed, provide rich nutrients for the plant. Consequently, the agricultural products here not only have excellent quality, but also reach an unparalleled level in taste.

作者:吉林日报全媒体记者 栾哲 左道 张春英 高瑞华 刘靓 万芷竹
